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Marc Sims Host Just A Few Questions Marc Sims was born, raised, and resides in the city of Chicago Illinois. https://anchor.fm/marc-sims marcsimschicago@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Teachers Unions vs. Charter Schools

I asked a pro Teachers Unions proponent this question;

Can you make a good argument why a parent should not the their children to a charter school?

The response:

Hey, Marc: it depends on the kid and the charter school. the larger question is can you make a good argument why it's good for society to devalue the teaching profession by doling out contracts to charter operators who pay their teachers less?

My response:

Union teachers partly allowed urban schools to fail. Thus the Teachers Union allowed the devaluing of the teaching profession.   They should have helped create a education model for disruptive students, who come from destabilized families.   Good parents don't want to, and shouldn't have to put their children in a school with bad children.

My conclusion:

I feel some parents send their children to a charter school because they perceive the charter schools is better than a traditional neighborhood school.   I also feel some parents send their children to a charter school because they perceive the charter school will kick out the disruptive students.

Marc Sims

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