I agree with NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg!
“Unfortunately, there are some parents who...never had a formal education, and they don’t understand the value of an education. Many of our kids come from [such] families—the old Norman Rockwell family is gone”
Here in Chicago the pubic school's middle class education model doesn’t work for thousands of students. A middle class education model that presumes students have educated parents that are helping their children prepare for college.
Most Chicago Public Schools and Charter Schools here in the African American community are up against a culture where education is not a top priority. The average African American parent feels it is the responsibility of their children and the public schools to make sure their children do well in school.
Public school officials must tell parents and students the cold hard truth. This is where you are and this is the direction where your child is going. The public schools , the parents, and students must set realistic obtainable goals and work together to achieve those goals.
Marc Sims