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Marc Sims Host Just A Few Questions Marc Sims was born, raised, and resides in the city of Chicago Illinois. https://anchor.fm/marc-sims marcsimschicago@gmail.com

Sunday, December 13, 2015

African-Americans Left Behind

Here is the problem.

Millions of African-Americans took advantage of the opportunities created by the civil rights movement to climb into the middle class — and in some cases far beyond, as exemplified by President Obama.

Yet millions of other black Americans did not reach the middle class. This group, mired in poverty and dysfunction, finds the paths others took are blocked. They live in neighborhoods with failing schools that cannot prepare them for today’s economy. Secure, high-paying blue-collar jobs are a thing of the past.

Increasingly, these African-Americans who were left behind are invisible. Their neighborhoods either get gentrified — which means they can no longer afford to stay there — or simply bypassed by development. What happens in poor black neighborhoods has less and less to do with the everyday lives of middle-class Americans, white or black.

Eugene Robinson: The ones left behind

What are the solutions?

Literacy! Academic Tutoring!  Cultural Mentoring!   Also billions of dollars and other resources that will end the poverty, dysfunction, and crime in lower income African American (Black) neighborhoods?

Marc Sims


1 comment:

  1. Marc,

    Here's just one of many presentations I have put on the internet to show a path to solutions. https://www.scribd.com/doc/93233051/Planning-Cycle-War-on-Poverty

    Here's a set of blog articles that focus on "learning". http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/search/label/learning

    If faith groups can draw people together weekly to read, discuss and reflect on scripture, and motivate people to dig deeper into the Bible every day of the week, why can't we motivate people to dig deeper into the library of information they might use to help improve the lives of people living in poverty throughout the US or the world?

    In this article I point to a speech given to graduates at West Point, encouraging them to spend time in reading and reflection so they strengthen their core values and beliefs. http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/2012/05/avengers-leadership-teams-introverts.html

    There are no quick fixes. However, unless some look at this as a complex problem that requires the involvement of thousands over many years there will be no meaningful fixes.

