About Me

Marc Sims Host Just A Few Questions Marc Sims was born, raised, and resides in the city of Chicago Illinois. https://anchor.fm/marc-sims marcsimschicago@gmail.com

Friday, March 18, 2016

Civically Engage Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Civically Engage Mayor Rahm Emanuel 

Call, write, email, or go to the Mayor's office in person and demand that Mayor Rahm Emanuel marshals the resources needed to stop the crime in Chicago. 

Marc Sims


Mayor Rahm Emanuel

City Hall
121 N La Salle
Chicago, IL 60602

Mayor Emanuel:

Could the City of Chicago hold a weekly crime summit at various City Colleges?
The police cannot and should not stop the crime in Chicago all by themselves.
Concern citizens and community leaders have to help stop the crime.

Marc Sims


Video each meeting and post them on the internet.

Teach Teenagers How To:

Set goals and achieve them

Speak in public persuasively 

Write short stories

Fix Cars

Rehab homes

Run a successful small business

Write computer code

How to successfully sell a product or service

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Donald J Trump & Conservative Talk Radio

Before Barack Obama became President of The United States of America I listened to conservative talk radio for a few minutes a day.   After Barack Obama became President I very rarely listened to conservative talk radio.   These radio shows stoke hatred for human beings who are not politically and socially conservative.

Donald J Trump should thank conservative talk radio host for helping him win so many Republican Party primary elections.

Marc Sims

Michael Savage, Mark Levin, and other conservative shows.

AM 560 Chicago