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Marc Sims Host Just A Few Questions Marc Sims was born, raised, and resides in the city of Chicago Illinois. https://anchor.fm/marc-sims marcsimschicago@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Teachers Unions vs. Charter Schools

I asked a pro Teachers Unions proponent this question;

Can you make a good argument why a parent should not the their children to a charter school?

The response:

Hey, Marc: it depends on the kid and the charter school. the larger question is can you make a good argument why it's good for society to devalue the teaching profession by doling out contracts to charter operators who pay their teachers less?

My response:

Union teachers partly allowed urban schools to fail. Thus the Teachers Union allowed the devaluing of the teaching profession.   They should have helped create a education model for disruptive students, who come from destabilized families.   Good parents don't want to, and shouldn't have to put their children in a school with bad children.

My conclusion:

I feel some parents send their children to a charter school because they perceive the charter schools is better than a traditional neighborhood school.   I also feel some parents send their children to a charter school because they perceive the charter school will kick out the disruptive students.

Marc Sims

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

When will African Americans stop the crime in our neighborhoods?

It seems impossible and it feels overwhelming.   The crime, the hopelessness, the lack of belief.   The sense that I can't as an individual, and we can't as a people.  Maybe we should call the police and have them lock up our sons, grandsons, and nephews.   Or maybe the Chicago Public Schools should teach lower income African Americans how to raise their children.  Ending the crime in Chicago is about rising children properly.  It is about using wholesome values to overcome the effects of American poverty.

Who will teach the children of the African American working class and under class  wholesome  values?   This responsibility falls on the public schools.  It will not start in the home for the home, meaning the parents, cannot teach what they do not know.   The public schools will have to teach parents and current students, the future parents, how to raise mannerable children who read at grade level.

African American politicians and preachers have failed, and they should support the Chicago Public Schools teaching parents  how to parent, and helping parents ensure that every grammar school student reads at grade level.

Marc Sims
